I am inspired to explore what truth is.... Truth is a vibration of what resonates within our unique desires, perceptions, wants and knowingness....
Why don't we always honour our knowingness? (have we tapped into it?)
Why are we not all empowered with clearly seeing, feeling our truths. (have we accepted what is being presented to us?)
What I have noticed and come to realize is that we hide from truth sometimes, this is in order to cope. It is easier to take the side streets vs. the main road at times (some more than others). It is one of our biggest lessons in this life - it is about being within our personal power and doing what is best for us and others. Its about courage, trust, faith, love and personal will and power - empowerment.
So what is your truth? To me the it is the feeling and impressions I
get when you get that light-bulb moment of clarity and it comes in with the feeling of 'yes - follow that' and then take deliberate action to follow 'that' - no matter what is being presented to you at the time. We can choose to be in limbo and get some or part of what makes us gloriously happy or we can choose to focus and see the future and pay attention to that daily.
All it takes is the desire and to make the decision to be in our truth, to be closer
each day to living your truth which in essence is living your purpose.
Do you know what your purpose is? It is being and doing what feels good and within a
flow of non-resistance. It is the act of fulfilling within your God given
gifts of being an infinite being and being Hu (God) - man (in our body). It is
about feeling good about who you are and what you do. It can be explained as
simply as that.
Do you desire to be within your truth? Live your purpose? What's stopping you?
Have you learned what excuses you make and what destructive patterns you continue to loop yourself in? Hmmmm, perhaps its time to be more within your truths. :)