(Note: audio of the blog is in the video below)
I have been so fortunate to have the emotional and intellectual capacity to observe myself in order to get out of my own way. I have learned to develop and cultivate an inner strength to get me out of my head and into my heart space. To a logical person that may not make sense, to a spiritually connected soul it makes complete sense. In fact, when anyone, no matter their conditioning of thinking or thought patterns can shift their awareness to see things that they have not noticed before. This is the greatest thing in this life experience, we decide what to focus on, we decide what we do, think, and speak. That is our power.
We are programmed beings; our brain is like a computer and our consciousness is the bigger aspects of who we really are. The conflict that most folks have is the dualistic realities playing within their minds and hearts. We create a sense of self by how we are received and accepted from within ourselves and the people, places, and environments we decide to reside and play in. The backwards thinking is astounding once you start to see it. What I mean by that is that we are programmed from the moment we are conceived in the mother’s womb. Some souls decide not to entre the physical body until after the baby is born and some want to experience the feeling of birthing into this world, this reality. We make choices from a soul level that we are not aware of (we have been amnestied to whom we truly are in order to play on this earth plane). This does come from the best of intensions on a different level. This is not necessarily understood by most who do not have a strong connection to their heart or an intrinsic faith and knowing that we are more the sums of our physical parts.
Chances are that if you are reading this, you are wanting or needing to connect more in with your higher awareness and question some things or everything. Please do not think that you know it all....in fact we all really know nothing! We think we do, even me articulating what I think I know, its just the tip of the iceberg of knowingness. My sense is that many of us, ascending into higher dimensional realities will have our minds blown and our socks shaken off completely.
When we make choice out of fear and brainwashing into confirming to the collective waves of nonsense (within a lower frequency), we will feel the cause and effects within it all. It will hit us personally, and there will be many, many truths that will be exposed and some folks will see them, and unfortunately many will not. But, when you SEE, you will clearly see. Do not get rattled by them, move though them and do your best to maintain a healthy mindset and emotional body.
I have felt trapped within my own patterns of comfort throughout my life, as many have. When I feel this and see it, I do completely know its time to shake up the current arrangement, no matter how it hurts (I have learned the hard way being an empath and someone who has been loyal to a fault). When you hold more of a caring compassion for others' experiences rather than for yourself it festers into more hurt for everyone. Caring about yourself more embraces and supports you to make the courageous moves into change...easier (one of our biggest soul lessons is to love ourselves unconditionally). When we take to long to decide change, the universe will do it for us! This is seen when certain circumstances happen, or things get ripped away. Loss of a job, a change in a relationship or someone passing onto the higher side of life. If you get fired and didn't heed the warning signs, it is a wake-up call to look at your attitudes and vibrations. Nothing happens to us; we create it on some level. So, when life brings unexpected change, realize there is more than what you see or understand. We are first and foremost vibrational beings of light (some vibrate within a lower consciousness and some higher), and we can only see, sense, feel and know from that aspect of vibration, of awareness. When we do get kicked in the teeth, when we decide to reflect and seek right answers for ourselves, it will yield more and better results than you could imagine.
We can be the phoenix rising from the flames!
So how do we break free from the confines of our own minds? (learn to see and interrupt things differently)
How can we see past the constant bombardment of what is being projected at us? (learn methods to sit silently and ask to see the truths)
How do we create new aspirations and goals in the midst of world Chios? (decide to, follow a plan, and do it)
How can we envision new horizons and hold a steadfast trajectory or sightlines to new, more and better? (by using tools of your own consciousness, deliberate thought and right action for peaceful inner space)
How is it possible to feel a sense of clarity when what is being painted seems to be unhopeful and unsure? (Persistence and perseverance and using blind faith in knowing when you apply yourself to make change, believe and know it will come!)
What are you telling yourself?
Do you actually believe it?
Well, the answers are all within us (literally and figuratively). It is a matter of conditioning our own mind and altering distorted views and perceptions of who you are. We are the empowerment of change; we are the ones who have the energetic frequency and embodiment of Christ Consciousness within. We are not meek or weak humans, and it is not a religious thing I am talking about here (that is a whole other story of entrapment of the soul within itself I will leave for another day). It is about being sovereign and free within ourselves, our minds, and hearts.
Its about learning that our brains have been hijacked and you are now aware and will shift certain thought forms and patterns to create more for self.
It is about learning what rising up means for you, if you want it. For each person it can look quite different but the processes on how to get there are the same paths to walk and experience individually.
To learn to get out of the mechanisms of slave mentality and lack and move more into controlling the mind patterns (slave mentality we get from everything broadcasted from t.v. programming, radio, formal education, and print media). Shifting 'negative reality' views into more personal empowerment of self and what you decide to think and participate in. This is a ‘Truman Show’ of sorts and its time to learn How to Play this Game of Life in a more deliberate, creative and intrinsic way!
I am working on a month-long Journey with a 'Living Deliberately' Immersion Program to launch soon. It is about exploring new ways, creating more and different to shift up and out of mental and emotional conditioning. How to see, accept and shift into more focus on goals and desired outcomes. How to connect with self innately and do this all while maneuvering through regular life. I have been in cahoots with my higher self for a while now, I am finally ready (I think, lol) to launch this new program. I do not believe it could have come at a better time. We all need to go more inward and do a great sweep and clean of the tangled webs we have weaved and believed.
The veils are coming off soon, more and more folks are waking up to wanting more, needing more, and are not willing to back down. Not willing to conform in ways that work against our well-being, personal health, higher knowing, and freedom. Time to break free of the restraints we Think are holding us hostage. Where there is a will, there is a way! We can rise up like a phoenix rising from the flames. We are the magic; we are the answers.... its all within - We are the phoenix people! Rise Up!
- If you would like to get more info on the month long program 'Live deliberately' email me: contact@karenfiorucci.ca