Intuitive Development level 1 & 11
New Series 01/24 Learn To Tap Into Your Higher Awareness
Service Description
This program is unique and special. Personal Empowerment is so important! Time to rise up, learn how to tap in, empower yourself and trust your connection with yourself, with Source Creator tapping into your Higher Awareness, Higher Intelligence! Learn much much more than the ABC's, 123's of spirit and higher counsel communications within yourself. Create a stronger link with your Higher Awareness, Higher Intelligence, Guides, Guardians - all your wisest counsel from the highest levels. Our Soul and the Connection to Divine Aspects of Source, Christos light. Become a 'Conscious' Intuitive. There is a difference in the vibration you hold and what comes at your when you are elevated in your own awareness and consciousness. When you learn to get out of your own way and are shown techniques and processes to trust your internal guidance system, your life changes! Become your best and wisest self! You get all the tools to be successful at this process. More information on specifics go to Information page under Services Tab in Menu Part 1 - Nov-Dec 2022 Part 2 - Jan-Feb-Mar 2023
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel or reschedule please go to member app at your convenience. (Mobile app code:EISRNM)
Contact Details
16 Cattail Drive, Woodbridge, Vaughan, ON, Canada